What is leadership development? It is a really big topic that covers so many areas it's a bit hard to sum it all up in one blog. Leadership development is one form of training or learning that focuses on building specific knowledge, skills and abilities in people so they can be more effective in their roles. As we begin to develop these areas, people prepare, engage and apply these skills in different ways. People become more intentional, strategic, effective and confident both in their abilities and within their roles.
What kind of skills are we working to develop when we say leadership development? At Leadership & Language, we focus on interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, strategic competencies and societal competencies like diversity & inclusion. Interpersonal skills are skills like communication, collaboration, facilitation, and relationship building. Intrapersonal skills are skills like self-development, autonomy, resilience, and follow-through. Strategic competencies are skills like decision making, problem solving, navigating ambiguous environments, analysis, evaluation, and goal setting.
Leadership & Language is commited to meeting people where they are and helping them to grow into leadership roles and develop the leadership skills they strive for. We work to intentionally develop others through active learning and increased autonomy. We educate learners about how to take what they learn and use it on the job, how to support those skills in the workplace, and how keep using those skills over time. Our focus is to develop leaders at every level and help them navigate the complex, multi-dimensional nature of the work we do today.
What does leadership development look like for our diverse learners? For teens, leadership is about raising self-awareness, understanding time managment, developing critical soft skills necesary for work, learning about networking and building relationships and financial literacy. For young professionals, leadership is more focused on developing skills which can be applied in more complex ways to more difficult situations and helping them to prepare for mid-level leadership positions where they need to lead and manage all sorts of people in different ways. For more experienced professionals, we focus on targeted competency development and applying and adjusting those skills at higher levels of complexity for more challenging situations.
In short, our goal when is comes to leadership development is to meet you where you are and help you grow into the professional you'd like to be. We work to help you align your efforts, incorporate skills into numerous business functions, provide opportunties for practice, help you achieve results, identify your strengths and weaknesses, work together to develop a learning path that is right for you and of course, we are here to support you every step of the way. All you have to do is decide what area you would like to develop first and commit to making yourself a priority.